Here is a shot that I took of the Temple....it does not include any lights...but I thought that it was a cool shot.

Some lights by the reflecting ponds between the Temple and the Joseph Smith Memorial building.

Some more lights.

Here is a picture of the whole gang...minus me.

Avery and Alex....Note to Avery....when you are texting your girlfriend you really should make sure that you are actually texting her and not your Mom.......something are not meant for your mother's eyes! haha

This picture is blurry....but it is the only one of me in it. It could have been such a good picture if only the camera girl would have held still. I was accused of wearing mom jeans....What??...this is my favorite pair and I don't think that they scream....MOM!!! (they are so stretchy by the way and makes for the splits on the escalator easier....you know like the scene in Elf!)

This is our new friend Jackson.....we met him on the train coming home from the lights. He goes to Westlake High school....I completely embarrassed Madi and Sadie by talking to him...and asking if I could take his picture.........we did end up with his Instagram...so that's COOL.........it is the start of a budding friendship.....your welcome Madi!
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