Here is her letter from this week.
This week not a lot has gone on! It’s pretty much same old same old…Long classes that just drag on and more chicken and rice for meals. On Wednesdays they attempt to make American food and well…. At least they try.
We just got back from the temple! Seriously I feel the spirit so strongly in that temple it’s crazy. We also went to the grocery store and I bought some sweet socks and more coke! The withdrawal charge to get soles is crazy so I just took out a bunch of money so I don’t have to keep doing that!
I haven’t really felt like I am in Peru! We are enclosed in these walls and I just think I’m in like California or something. When we do go outside the walls it is a change of scenery but I don’t know it doesn’t feel like Peru besides the driving…… now that is wicked scary. There are seriously no rules on the roads here.
My Spanish is progressing, but seriously I felt like I haven’t learned all I need to here yet. Hopefully I can cram lots of things in my last two weeks. Holy snikes it’s almost been 1 month! It’s seriously flown by so fast. I don’t even remember the first days here. The days just all seem to mesh here. It’s been wild. This week everyone, at least in my district, has been just exhausted. I think everything is
starting to take its toll lol. How we count days here is Wednesday is pday…. Then just make it to Sunday (sacrament is in English) and then two days till pday.
During physical activity I and Hermana Robinson play ultimate football with all the Elders. It’s just like ultimate Frisbee but with a football. Its super fun and we both score lots. The Elders are pretty
impressed with our skills. I tried to Aqib Talib pick someone and ended up jamming my middle finger pretty bad two days ago and it’s still swollen and bruised. I have a doctor’s appointment soon….. so I will know more next week.
We had a really spiritual testimony meeting with all the English people last Sunday and it was so powerful. Seriously missionaries have the most powerful testimonies. I bore mine which was kind of awkward but I seriously was forced up there by prompting and afterwards one of the Elders came up to me and thanked me and said it was exactly what he needed to hear that day so that was super cool.
Well that is pretty much it here at the CCM this week. I love you all back home and hope you are all safe and enjoying the cold! I’m definitely not missing that. I’m praying every day for you!
Hermana Brown
Once again....notice the shoes...haha. Love that she is wearing them!
Aushlynn informed us that she will get a Thanksgiving dinner at the CCM! She is hoping that it is not a turkey dinner as she is not a fan of turkey..........we are praying that they will serve her ham! Haha. Also, this last week Hermana Brown was made a Sister Leader, so that is kinda exciting! We are super glad to hear from her...We are happy to hear that she is safe and it seems that Missionary work and her are going hand in hand.