So, we had a chance to take the jet ski's out this past Saturday. They had both run awesome the following Saturday, so we loaded up the whole family and the cooler to spend the day on Utah lake. We had full tanks of gas and 20 extra gallons! We are going to have a blast! To start the day off we get there and the marina was full. They have a policy that one boat out and then they let one boat in. We had 4 boats in front of us. The Nazi ranger predicted that we would have a hour wait before we could launch. (insert kids complaining the whole time) We ended up waiting about 30 minutes. Yeah, we were off to hours of fun! So after backing up down the ramp, (it only took us 5 times today, we are getting way better) we finally got the jet ski's in the water. Dyllon drove one over to the beach/rocks and Kendall took the other. I pulled the trailer out and went to park on the recently vacated spot. (aka weed patch) I pulled out the tube and Ski bob and inflated them. We drug everything down to the beach. When I got there, I found out that Kendall was having trouble with his jet ski. It would only go about 10 mph. After a quick call to my dad, he said; "Change the spark plugs." Wow, we did this before the last time we went out. My dad had told use to have extras just in case and we did. However, we had no wrench or spark plug socket to change it. I am pretty sure that having tools is a rule of jet skiing. Ugh! After asking around, it turns out that nobody follows the rule or they did not want to lend their tools to strangers. Kendall decided that he would unhook the trailer and go buy what he needed. I, in the mean time, take Avery and Madison out to the middle of the lake to see if we can get Avery up on the wake board. It only took him about 10 minutes to get his feet in the wake board. We finally get him in the water and the tow rope out to him. I hit the engine and Avery lets go of the rope. I circle around (you know what is going to happen) and run over the tow rope and wrap it around the impeller. Nice! (inset a few words) I jump off and try to get the rope untangled. Right, it is wrapped around at least 30 times. (Kendall is going to kill me!) We are in a pickle. Me and Avery try to swim the thing to shore. Not happening. We try to get the oar out and paddle in. Not working either. Avery blows the can-o-horn about 50 times in my ear. Nobody can hear it and now I am deaf! Finally after being stranded about a half hour a sailboat comes by. He feels or pain, but he has no motor. He says that he will tell somebody when he passes someone. Dyllon has heard our horn and jumped into the lake and swims out to rescue us. When he gets out to us, a boat finally took pity on us and threw us a rope. I told him what happened and he just shook his head. I know what he was thinking! I was really grateful for the tow back to the marina. When he pulled us in , Kendall was just getting back, I held up both side of the rope and he knew without asking what had happened. He went and got the trailer hitched to the car and backed it in and pulled us out. We were able to look at it. Not pretty. Oh yeah, remember how Kendall went to get tools.....Well, he can't find where he put it. How can we change the spark plug?? This day is just not worth it anymore. We put the trailer back in the marina and pull the other one out. We deflate the tubes and load up to go home. After we are loaded up, I find the wrench that Kendall had just purchased. Just a nice day on the lake huh!
P.S. We don't want to talk about it!
Oh shoot! What a bummer! Made me laugh but sorry it was at your expense!! How is everything else? We sure enjoy seeing you guys once in awhile. My kids think your kids are so cool!!
ReplyDeleteWe laugh too!........now.....or we would cry!
ReplyDeleteSorry it was such a crappy day.