Dyllon turned 17 years old today. Does this make me old? Dyllon does not like his picture taken, so I have to post shots like this one here. He is a happy child for the most part. So, about Dyllon: He likes sports. He enjoys wrestling, football and an occasional game of dodge ball. He has what I call useless sports knowledge. The boy, for some reason, has a file of sports knowledge in his head that stores information from before he even existed. He can pull stats out of nowhere. To bad that he can't use this skill in school. Dyllon has a job, he is a umpire for the Utah Union. He LOVES umping the younger kids! It's pretty much his FAV! He enjoys playing video games. He is fantastic at texting, I do not know how he can type so fast on such a small keyboard. Dyllon does not like school or mowing the lawn. I would say that he is a typical teenager.
Happy Birthday Dyllon!