Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Peru CCM

It has been a long NINE days!  I have been waiting to hear from Aushlynn about her adventures so far in Peru and she did not disappoint.  She is a excellent communicator!  I guess all those years of her being on social media has really paid off for me.

This is what she had to say!

Hola from the CCM in beautiful Lima, Peru.

Holy cow I have tons to write you about this week it has been totally wild. Well first we got here at like 4:30 in the morning! I was so exhausted. You know me I'm used to going to bed at like 9:30!

We got all our bags here safe and got into our dorms! My companion is Hermana Pay! I met her over Instagram and we chatted before we even got here! Its been a blast having her be my companion. The other Hermanas in my room are Hermana Wager and Hermana TiaTia… Hermana Robinson and Hermana Moffiet! They are all a riot. I’m pretty sure we are the loudest group of sisters here! My kind of people.

Okay let me just start on the food. The breakfast is usually pretty disgusting like eggs that are just too eggy and mystery meat. So I usually just eat a piece of toast. Lunch is usually pretty good but you got to make sure you only eat the chicken because the other meats just scream GIVE ME DIAHREA!! The water is really nasty so I haven’t been drinking that much water but the juice they have is alright. The lemonade is the best so when that is an option it is like the best day ever. Also sometimes they serve soft serve ice cream and its muy Bueno!!!
I have a top bunk in my room and I’m so scared im going roll off but it hasn’t happened yet so I’ll keep you posted on that. The classes and work are good but sooooooo long. Its like breakfast.. class… dinner… class. I absolutely love my district though. There are 6 boys and us girls and they are the bomb! We all get along so well. The boys are Elder Westbrook and Shumate. Elder Brown and Stringham and Elder Perry and Elder Mckinney. Physical activity is the best! I usually play volleyball and its really fun! I also sometimes play Ping-Pong! The mission president here at the CCM challenged me and I beat him!! Yeah everyone was cheering me on! Either of us is very good so it was a fair win! We took a trip to Interpol on Monday! (International police to do passport and visa stuff) Okay the driving here is insane I don’t know how we haven’t crashed yet. Everyone just does their own thing it is quite scary. When we got there, their were stray cats everywhere it was gross and lots and lots of bugs! There were also just random piles of dirt everywhere that looked like mountains lol.  They took us to a little hut and I finally got a COKE!!! Wow that hit the spot let me tell you. Also yesterday we got vending machines and it was the best day of our lives! So I don’t really know a whole lot of Spanish yet so we just talk in a Pedro voice from napoleon dynamite and hope its coming out Spanish! I can bear my testimony and say a prayer so that’s cool. Me and Hermana Robinson have the best ones! So my blonde hair really sticks out here! I am the only blonde one here. People are always touching my hair. Also I wore my pink skirt yesterday and it was seriously the talk of the CCM haha.

So I have not gotten sick here yet but everyone else in my room has gotten really sick! I have been greatly blessed haha. Also I tried a granadilla. Look it up it’s a fruit. It looks like fish eyes! I mustered up the courage just yesterday.

So pretty much everyone here that is American loves you mom! They have all been using my medicine cabinet! They all thank you!
So we got to go to the temple today! It was all in Spanish but they gave us English headsets! Its such a beautiful temple!

The showers here are actually decent and they have hot water!!!

I miss you guys all so much but.. here is not so bad! Hope you all are having a wonderful week.

Love Hermana Brown
We also received two pictures from her.  I guess the fact that she did not take her camera charger did not doom me this week.  I am going to get that in the mail to her by the end of the week by the way!

Hermana Brown and her CCM companion Hermana Pay.  They are the only two missionaries in the CCM that are heading to the Piura Peru mission.  I am guessing that there will be more come in at the 2 weeks to go mark that already know the language.
Hermana Brown...I am not sure of how she acquired the ties.....I hope that she did not beat up a couple of the Elders...I am sure there is a story....

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