So I was so excited to hear about Aushlynn's week. I think that you have all heard that she is companions with Hermana Thomas......I am pretty sure that you have! Well, she told me that she was super excited for the transfer so I was anxious to hear how the first week went. It was amazing!
So funny story....Aush is singing a song with a Elder Abbott for a special training video or something like that. I asked her where he was from and she said Montana. I replied with he must be a cowboy! she told me hahaha....okay he is not a cowboy lol...but I'm so gonna tell him that because that is what everyone says and it makes him mad. I replied with, I thought everyone from Montana was a cowboy!..haha She said, I am taking a picture of this email to show him that I have the funniest mom. But she said seriously he is a awesome singer. I replied with, that cause he strums his guitar and sings to the cattle at night. I bet his rendition of Home on the Range is amazing! She in turn told me that Hermana Thomas was laughing so hard! Well....I aim to be the comic relief! Haha!
Well, this is what she has to say this week!
Hey Family!
Okay first off I just need to tell you about Hermana Thomas! She is honestly my soul sister! She will probably end up being my best friend when I get home! I love her to death! We get along so well and we laugh non stop! Finally someone who gets my humor! I am sooooo excited for this transfer! Watch out Paita were about to take over!
So I have been really praying to have more service opportunities lately. I feel as a representative of Christ we all should give service and felt like I was not doing enough of that in my mission. Well this week god answered my prayers and had about 4 service opportunities this week! First we were able to help a lady in our ward feed her animals and cook lunch for her family. Then we were able to teach 2 classes of English! The people here love it. Most of these people are learning English in school and so we usually teach a little lesson and help with homework lol. Also..... we cleaned the whole church with a less active member! We weren’t planning on this but it just kind of fell on our shoulders.... the fault of our president of the branch but whatever ha ha. I know that if we strive to do more service for others that we will be able to strengthen our relationships with people and become more like Christ.
This week we found 4 new people to teach. One couple that seems really promising! They are reading the book of Mormon and praying for their date this upcoming month in September! Also.. we had a really spiritual lesson with Walter! He is awesome! We have been visiting him for 2 weeks and he has already read 18 chapters of the book of Mormon! Okay #blessed. He also is sharing this book with his friends and talking about the Mormon religion with his friends. We are hoping he will be baptized in the next couple weeks!!
This week as I was studying one morning and I was just kind of thinking back on my whole mission and I was just thinking wow look how far I have come. How much I have changed. How much my testimony has grown. I’m speaking Spanish and gaining friendships that will last a life time. I’m learning to love a culture and people that I’ve come to know only 10 months ago. I am so grateful for this gospel and the knowledge we have of his plan. I am so grateful that I can be the hands of god and I feel him working through me every day. As I am thinking about this I start to cry and get filled with such a strong, undeniable spirit and as much as I miss you guys back home I know this is where I am supposed to be.
For P-day we went to Piura and sent packages home! Yeah there is a package for you guys with little trinkets from Peru! Also we ate frozen yogurt with Hermana Sandibum! It was so good to see her!! This next week we are going with the zone to the beach for P-day! Yay I’m super excited to explore more of the beaches in Paita! This by far is my most favorite area!
I love you guys and am praying for each and everyone of you daily! I am so sad to hear about Harold. His family is in my prayers! I know that the plan of salvation is true and that there is so much more than just life on earth. If we continue to keep the commandments and do our part here on this earth that we will be able to live with our family forever!
Hermana Brown
In the mission if you stand to close to the Elders or Sisters or talk to much to them they call you a snake.....this one is for Elder Abbott.......SSSSSSSSsssssssss.
The Dynamic Duo
Lets just say that the two of them have a lot of laughs together!
They are going to be besties for sure! People in Peru say that they look like twins.So we did Peruvian face masks....more like pretty much ripped our skin off!
Our new's smaller now. Looks like there is a Elder who does not like his picture taken.
Aushlynn trying to be the cool kid!
Elder Abbotts birthday....I think that this girl might have opened up her birthday dress so so naughty of her! I guess that is what happens when I send it 6 weeks early! haha
Cooking up some grub!
Hermana Brown and Hermana Thomas